Someone signed up to become a new member of your organization. That is terrific news! It is now time to welcome this new member, to make an amazing impression and guide them on their way to becoming a participating, engaged and involved member of your association. There are few ways to welcome new members to your organization, the most common one being via email. Here are some tips and tricks on what to include in a great welcome email:
A Personalized Subject Line
Personalizing your email to new members is one of the best ways to make them feel welcome. The subject line should let them know that you are reaching out to confirm their membership. Plus, personalizing the subject line adds a personal touch that lets them know that you are not just sending an automated, general confirmation email. It may just be an automated email, but the perception is more positive with a personalized subject line.
Include the Important Details
As you confirm the new member’s membership, send every bit of important detail. Include things like membership type, membership duration, renewal date, login details, auto-renewal options, etc. Basically, everything that a member needs to keep for their records should be included in the email.
Reiterate the Benefits of Their Membership
The welcome email is a great place to reinforce the value your new member is going to receive from being part of your organization. It’s good for your new members to be reminded of the benefits they’re getting from a membership with your organization. They may have forgotten, or may need to refer to it as they report back to their team.
Include Useful Links
Navigating a new association’s website can prove to be tricky. Make it easy for your new members. Include useful links in your email, especially links to online resources. Key areas of your website, such as a members-only area, member directories, event calendars, and the like should have links in your email.
Help Them Get Involved Right Away
As you acquire more and more members, some of them are going to want to get involved immediately. It’s exciting to join a new organization. New members are going to want to access and use the resources you have for them right away. However, with the amount of options and information they have at their disposal, it can get quite overwhelming. Show them where to get started in your email. It could be something as simple as registering for an account or registering for an event. Put some thought into it and guide them to a proper starting point.
Show Availability for Support
One of the most annoying things for any organization member or even a business customer is not being able to get the help they need. You want to convey from the beginning that your organization has a culture where questions are welcome and help is readily available. Make sure to include ways for your new member to receive help in your email. Offer different ways for your new members to contact your organization, whether it’s a phone number, a live chat, or an email address specifically designated for help and support.
Sending a welcome email is just the beginning of your relationship with your members. As time progresses, you’d be communicating more and more with your members. Whether it’s an announcement, an event invitation, or a drip campaign, sending emails is vital to your member-based organization. Without proper Membership Management Software, sorting through the appropriate members to email or even sending automated emails based on user action can be quite a challenging and daunting task. Using Membership Management Software like MemberBoss makes sending group emails easy. If you’d like to learn more about MemberBoss, feel free to Book a Demo. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to The Boss Blog to get more helpful tips for you and your members.